When Katie Spanuello Rahman recalls the campus of her alma mater St. Mary-of-the-Woods College, she paints an idyllic picture.

"It was like living in a fairy-tale setting, with a marble staircase to ascend to my room" in Le Fer Residence Hall, said the 1993 alumna. "I always took great pride in the castlelike buildings and the surrounding natural beauty of the trees and the religious shrines on campus."

This story appears in the NCSW 2018 feature series. View the full series.

by Mandy Erickson


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Bowling with Nuns was one of many events around the country marking the fifth annual National Catholic Sisters Week, which ran from March 8 to 14. The week's purpose is to honor women religious, bring awareness of sisters in the United States to laypeople, and perhaps draw young women to join missions.

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

In a Haitian neighborhood of subsistence-farm families where people struggle to put food on the table each day, Lekòl Jezi-Mari, a primary school under the care of a Religious of Jesus and Mary, educates 576 students — some of them the first in their families to graduate from sixth grade.

Sister of Loretto Catherine Mueller has served as a high school teacher, pastoral minister in several multicultural parishes in Colorado, and the president of the Sisters of Loretto / Loretto Community. She is the co-founder and co-director of EarthLinks, a nonprofit organization in Denver linking homeless and economically poor people with Earth and with one another. A member of the Loretto Emerging Forms Committee, she has also served on the board of Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters, Leadership Conference of Women Religious and other boards of local nonprofits.