Welcome to our eighth year of The Life, featuring a diverse panel of 20 sisters who will reflect on issues that impact the lives of Catholic women religious around the globe.
The Life - The sisters explore how communities of religious women engage in traditions and practices that foster inclusivity, create space for others, and enhance communal and individual well-being.
The Life - Our sister panelists explore what it means to live an authentic life as a consecrated religious, and how that might attract others to the same vocation.
The Life - This month, we ask our panelists: "When we stop doing, we ask ourselves, who are we? When you are not working in your ministry, who are you?"
The Life - This month, we ask our panelists: What has been the Holy Saturday of your life? When have you experienced the in-betweenness of Holy Saturday? What empty tombs have you been sitting by?
The Life - Many women at the synod noted that clericalism continues to "scar the face of the Church." This month, we ask our panelists: What is the spiritual conversion needed in order for healing to take place?
The Life: In the last installment of The Life for 2023, Global Sisters Report asked panelists: Is it possible to have a world where peace exists everywhere? And if so, what would it take to make it happen?
GSR Today - Welcome to the seventh year of our monthly series called The Life. Our 2023-24 panel of 20 sisters will reflect on issues that impact the lives of Catholic women religious around the globe.