Through taxes on those who have the most, we could provide a good life for our communities. We must demand our elected leaders act in our collective best interest so that we can all live in the world as God sees it.
I believe that the inner journey, if faithfully followed, will bring us to the existential awareness that the self we have promoted and protected over the years is not our true identity.
As of now, I think any decision the Catholic Church might take regarding the sacrament of holy orders for laywomen would put it in a Catch-22 situation.
Living into the Jubilee Year of Hope alongside people here at the Arizona-Sonora border, the only kind of hope that makes sense to me is hope that knows the pain of loss even as it embraces beauty and possibility.
I believe that is the path for all of us, the point of our spiritual journey, our human adventure — to grow into a deeper level of consciousness, to learn to live from soul knowing.
On retreat, I struggled with finding myself undeniably within God while simultaneously rejecting the notion of God entirely. It's as if there is a fissure between knowing Godand knowing about God.
Does the Catholic college or university have anything distinctive to offer to today's world? Only if it maintains dynamic engagement with an evolving world, says Ilia Delio.
This is a day when female voices aren’t just present but prominent. As befits this day, the feminine is front and center, with a clarity and volume that I really can’t remember on any other feast or Sunday.