(GSR logo/Toni-Ann Ortiz)

The Life Panelists

The Life panelists are a group of 20 sisters from across the global north and south who respond to questions about the unique, challenging and very specific lives of women religious. Click here to learn about the 2020-21 round of panelists.

By this Author

'That all may be one': How sisters foster healing and reconciliation

Sisters share what their communities do to combat human trafficking

Catholic sisters share community customs for Advent and Christmas

Through the darkness of Advent, we await the coming light

'Signs of life everywhere': Old ways, new ideas sustain religious life, sisters say

Accompanying those who answer God's call can be both a gift and a test

Cultural and spiritual differences can challenge us, enrich our faith journeys

Congregational charisms guide sisters as 'living word for the church'

Ways that women's congregations take action to protect God's creation

Spaces to experience the boundless love of God

To live authentically, look to the paramount example: Jesus

Whatever our ministry or role, we are each 'the miracle of an original'

Holy Saturday: Memories of loss, waiting and expectation

From clericalism to communion: The church's never-ending conversion

What darkness requires God's great light this year?

The only possible peace recognizes each person's dignity and the rights of all

Despite challenges, promise of Advent shines bright into our darkness

How has the synodal process affected Catholic sisters?

Wisdom sustains us on the journey of life

The night before forever: Ahead of final vows, sisters feel doubt, anxiety, joy