This story appears in the The Life feature series. View the full series.

The Life - Too far away. Too close. Culture or charism? Church changes. Lifestyle changes. Holding preferences lightly. The panelists relate what they found most difficult about religious life, both when they entered community and — for some — even now. Influences of culture, of charism, of age all play a role. They addressed this question: What was your most challenging adjustment to religious life?

Pope Francis named a Spanish nun who had served as a missionary in South Korea to be the new undersecretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

The Vatican announced Feb. 23 the appointment of Sister Carmen Ros Nortes, a member of the Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation.

Born in southeast Spain, Dec. 20, 1953, she earned degrees in theology, catechetical pedagogy and humanities, and obtained her licentiate in theology, specializing in Mariology, in Rome in 1985.

Srs. Alexandra Bonilla Leonel, Iselande Surlin and volunteer Marcela Latorre Velásquez work as a team in the city of Ouanaminthe, Haiti, located at the Haitian-Dominican border. They spoke with GSR about serving the needs of children and women. They work on migration and against human trafficking.

"Her prompt and efficient intervention saved us," says one fisherman, home in India after being detained in Iran. In her 15 years in Tamil Nadu's coastal towns, Sr. Josephine Amala Valarmathi of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary has handled scores of cases for Indian migrant workers. She has also made it her priority to organize awareness programs to help such workers avoid exploitation.