The symbol of the labyrinth was adopted by the church as a way to unite us with the Holy One. Isn't that what we really want to have happen during Lent – for our souls and our feet to unite?
Lenten reflection - Every time I start thinking I am a pretty good person, I get a little note from the Spirit reminding me I have a long way to go.
The Life - This month, the panelists gave us an insight into the education of sisters around the world. One thing they all agree upon: Education is the highest priority in terms of preparing their sisters for ministry. However, sisters question the adequacy of education for women religious in different parts of the world. We asked: How successful is your congregation at attending to the educational needs of its sisters? In what way is your congregation participating in the ongoing education of sisters from around the globe?
A convent of Capuchins in Poland took up boxing to raise money for their orphanage. "We'd like to stress no one was knocked out or injured," explained Sr. Cecylia Pytka, local superior of the Capuchin Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in Siennica.
"Love your beautiful, authentic, messy, and incredible life. Love the universe and all who are in it. And be grateful, even for the darkest moments."
Horizons - In order for us to recognize the roots of conflict, each of us must be aware of our own interior life and how that life interacts with the world around us. This requires honesty and action.
Patriarchal norms and culture in the Indian church and society shackle women religious, one sister said. "I was not ordained like my brother because I happened to be born as a girl. Is my consecration as a religious less valuable?"
See for Yourself - "When I go to the grocery store, I just swipe my debit card. When I go to the bank, I swipe my ATM card. When I go to the library, I just swipe my plastic library card."
Knowing the commands of the Christ, let this be our way of life: Let us feed the hungry, let us give the thirsty drink.
Maryknoll Sr. Joanna Chan's renowned work in the theater began with writing plays for youth at New York's Transfiguration Church. "But theater is not only about the writing. Mounting a production involves bringing very diverse types of art and artists together. I have stayed in the profession for a number of reasons, and one of them is that idea of working together."