This story appears in the In Our Own Words feature series. View the full series.

A global sisterhood will be strengthened by the intentional living of our congregational charisms and purposeful sharing of it with each other. As younger sisters who desire to do this well, it is important for us to know the deep stories of our charisms.

This story appears in the Lent feature series. View the full series.

by Kathryn James Hermes


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Lent is almost here here. John the Baptist, the locust-eating ascetic dressed in camel hair, stands on the banks of the Jordan to usher us into the Lenten season of repentance and denial on … Valentine's Day, the annual celebration of love, relationship and romance.

The collaborative governance model helps congregations in need of financial and leadership assistance. The civil corporations from two or more congregations create a third corporation, which handles insurance, human resources, property management, legal issues, and all other tasks the congregations require. This frees up congregations' leadership to focus on spiritual issues.

This story appears in the In Our Own Words feature series. View the full series.

In Conversation - Global Sisters Report's Chris Herlinger on anti-trafficking efforts in Haiti and at the U.N.; Srs. Sarah Kohles and Susan Francois talk about their new book.

Sr. Deborah Warner is a Sister of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame de Montréal. She made her perpetual profession in 2012. Raised in Trinidad and currently missioned as a social worker in Toronto, she went on mission to Sierra Leone in 2017. 

Sr. Madeleine Miller entered the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing in 2008. She lives near Sioux City, Iowa, teaches theology, and does campus ministry at Bishop Heelan Catholic High School. She made her final monastic profession in 2015 after spending time in Olinda, Brazil.