Sr. Mary Therese Perez entered the Dominican Sisters of Mis­sion San Jose in 2009. She lives in Los Angeles and preaches as a religion teacher at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy.

This story appears in the Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities feature series. View the full series.

Charity Sr. Louise Akers came to national prominence in 2009, when Cincinnati Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk ordered her to publicly renounce her support for women's ordination. The attempted silencing was painful, but "she didn't bend to pressure. She held on to her convictions, and it made all the difference."

Santiago, Chile - Inside the chapel of the San Joaquín central women's penitentiary in Santiago, Chile, the handful of female inmates who met Pope Francis gathered to discuss their awe of and gratitude for the personalized Jan. 16 encounter. And nearly every woman who shared her experience with the Chilean media surrounding the inmates also thanked Good Shepherd Sr. Nelly Leon, head of the country's pastoral efforts in the jail system.

Sr. Jeanne Christensen travels throughout the Midwest to talk to students, parents, church groups and legislators about human trafficking in the U.S. She spoke with GSR about the role sisters can play in anti-trafficking work.

Paris - The community of the Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, or Sisters Adoratrices, was founded in Spain to minister to women who were prostitutes; in France today, the sisters continue to help women who were trafficked from other countries and who likewise need assistance leaving prostitution work they were forced into.

by Jennifer Doyle


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Christmas was a little different this year. Ever since I was a little girl, Christmas has been one of my least favorite holidays. Of course, in my family we celebrated with family and friends, and we always received gifts on the feast of St. Nicholas all the way through little Christmas. But for me, it was only stuff.

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

Notes from the Field - I applied to Dominican Volunteers USA and chose to serve in the Dominican Leadership Conference at the United Nations. I wasn't sure I was going to get the gig, but I applied and left the rest up to God. 

by Melanie Lidman

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Sacred Heart of Jesus Sr. Rosemary Nyirumbe is perhaps Uganda's most famous sister, a status she uses to raise issues that no one else can, in forums sisters don't usually reach. "If you look at me, Sister Rosemary, you have to know there are many more Sister Rosemarys who are working in many places."