Sr. Madonna Buder, an 87-year-old nicknamed "The Iron Nun," began completing Ironman triathlons — swimming 2.4 miles, cycling 112 miles, and running a marathon (26.2 miles) — when she was 47. Since then, she's completed at least 45.written a book, was featured in a 2016 Nike commercial, and traveled the world for speaking engagements. She is a member of the Sisters for Christian Community who lives in Spokane, Washington, and talked to Global Sisters Report about running as an opportunity for mindfulness and prayer.

As a young woman professing first vows in 1983, Sr. Elaine Baete swallowed a fleeting thought about the future of her new congregation, the Sisters of Charity of Montreal, also known as the Grey Nuns. Instead, she focused on her new vocation and the impact she hoped to make. Now, Baete takes the helm of the transition as the congregational assistant on the Grey Nuns' leadership team. She and four others make decisions about how her congregation will pare down assets and ready itself for completion.

by Joachim Pham


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Sr. Agnes Nguyen Thi Tam and Sr. Anna Dau Thi Nhung served successively as superiors general of the Lovers of the Holy Cross of Vinh. They spoke with GSR and shared highlights of the congregation's history, which includes surviving a U.S. air attack and developing farming techniques to overcome extreme poverty.