Presentation Sr. Lucy van Kessel, after many years in Catholic education, retrained in psychology to become a registered psychologist. She also worked in social justice for many years, including as the coordinator of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) in Western Australia for six years. She has worked part-time with Ruah, a nongovernment organization working with people who are disadvantaged. she has been on her congregation’s leadership team for 11 years, and as of Jan.

New York and Chicago - Catholics and Catholic reform groups were among the hundreds of thousands who turned out on the streets throughout the nation for the second annual Women's March.

Sr. Anne Lécu serves as a medical doctor for one of the biggest prisons in Europe. She holds a doctorate in philosophy for her work on the effects of being jailed. She spoke with GSR about her experience being a doctor and how "the world of prisoners" changed her perspective on justice.

The fight by the Adorers of the Blood of Christ against the Atlantic Sunrise natural gas pipeline went to an appeals court Jan. 19 as their attorneys argued that the Eastern District of Pennsylvania inappropriately dismissed their religious freedom challenge for a lack of jurisdiction.

President Donald Trump's first year in office has left Catholic sisters worried and dismayed about the administration's go-it-alone, "America First" foreign policy. The frustration is particularly acute among the sisters who represent their congregations at the United Nations.