Following an extraordinary shift in U.S. policy towards Ukraine, Catholics are among those upholding the importance of truth in the face of propaganda and political maneuvering.
Sr. Joyce Meyer spent a week visiting the Union of International Superiors General in Rome and a number of Vatican departments as a board member of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
Also, CLINIC condemns termination of temporary protected status for Venezuelans, and Mercy Sisters voice support for the Episcopalian bishop who pleaded with President Donald Trump to "have mercy."
While the pope is acting on his desire to include women in administrative positions in the church, he seems to have turned a deaf ear to calls for women in ministry. The stumbling block seems to be his view of women.
Consecrated women are entrusted with the stories of faith, loss, hope and transformation of the people we serve. And we are called to be witnesses like Simeon, who recognized and proclaimed God's promise fulfilled in Jesus.
Global Sisters Report is celebrating the 2025 World Day of Consecrated Life with a special event co-hosted by Liturgical Press, Thursday, Jan. 30 at 10 a.m. CST, featuring an online panel discussion by five sister-columnists.
While on a biblical tour with a stop in Ephesus, GSR editor emerita Gail DeGeorge revisits the significance of St. Paul's letters and connects with Mary's daily life in her house, which had been discovered by sisters.
Also, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's shrine celebrates the 50th anniversary of her canonization. Network lobby will host a webinar strategizing on responses to Trump's first 100 days, as it names new interim executive director.