This story appears in the NCSW 2018 feature series. View the full series.

National Catholic Sisters Week, the annual celebration of women religious, kicks off its fifth year March 8, International Women's Day. This year's iteration includes about 80 events funded by mini-grants to the hosting organizations.

by Joyce Meyer

International Liaison, Global Sisters Report

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Because of her work trying to counteract the fact that formation programs usually focus on poverty and obedience and have little education on sexuality for the vow of celibate chastity, Sr. Marie-Paul Ross of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception was called "the nun from Canada who is speaking clearly and openly about sexuality" — and was called to Rome.

At the Confederation of Religious in Latin American and Caribbean's interculturality seminar in Guatemala, women and men religious — indigenous and Afro religious or religious who work with those communities — gathered to discuss concerns involved with blending the best aspects of indigenous and Afro culture with the institutional Catholic Church.

The Society of Devapriya Sisters deliver daily meals to 100 elderly people living in poverty, throughout the town of Rajkot. The sisters give each of those in need a meal, along with some dignity and compassion. The ministry addresses a growing trend in Indian society: the elderly destitute, abandoned and living in isolation.