
The National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) featured the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland in their Fall Newsletter!  "Letting Go and Carrying On:  A Community Steps into a Bold New Future"  explains the exhaustive planning, hard work, sacrifice, and— above all—faith, neccessary in moving into a new congregational home. 


CTU announces the establishment of a Visiting Scholar appointment sponsored by the Thriving in Ministry Initiative which is funded by the Lilly Endowment, Inc.  A Visiting Scholar will propose a research agenda for a stated period of time ranging  from one month and up to one academic year. Research conducted should include some element of inquiry into the thriving of Catholic men and women religious and/or lay Catholic professionals in ministry in the United States.


Watch the seventh annual Join the Journey luncheon, in support of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. You will be inspired as you hear stories of ways the Sisters transform lives through their ministry as they serve those most in need.


It's an unlikely alliance across communities of spirit! The Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart are forming a Nuns & Nones group in the Frankfort area that will begin in January 2020. Nuns & Nones (millennials – both women and men – with no particular religious affiliation) is a movement gaining momentum across the U.S.A., knowing we all have something unique to share and something to learn from one another. 

This movement is:


November 21 is a significant date for the Felician Sisters. It marks their founding in 1855 and their arrival in North America in 1874; and on Nov. 21, 2009, the Sisters took another step in the evolution of their community as the eight North American provinces merged into Our Lady of Hope Province, effectively pooling their resources, the most important of which is the Sisters themselves, and allowing more to minister in “total availability.”


On November 3, the U.S. Province of the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk celebrated its 95th Anniversary at St. William the Abbot Church in Seaford, NY. A gathering of over 200 Sisters, Associates, family and friends joined for Sunday mass celebrated by Most Reverend John C. Dunne, retired bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, and Rev. Msgr. John Tosi.


Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception (SCIC) joyfully celebrated 165 years of grace and gratitude at Ruth Ross Residence Oct. 17-20 among associates, family members, staff and friends.

“May these four days of festival release within and among us a renewed sense of God’s providence, surprise and ever-unfolding presence over 165 years,” said Sister Mary Beth McCurdy as the Festival of Thanksgiving began in Carmel Chapel.


On 22 of October 2019, the delegates of the General Chapter of the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) elected Sister Bonnie Moser as General Superior for the next six years. Aided by her Council, her role is to govern the FCJ Society, in accordance with its Constitutions.


Global Sisters Report, a project of National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company that gives greater voice to Catholic sisters around the globe, launches GSR in the Classroom. 

For this education initiative, GSR adapted many articles and columns for use in Catholic high school and middle school classes, and faith formation programs. Through these lessons, students will discover how Catholic sisters are bringing alive Jesus’ teachings and the Church’s global mission.