Social Justice

As Christians, our homework on racism must be of the meditative kind

United Nations at 75: Sisters and their reps discuss its feats, failures

Black sisters urge US Catholics, church leaders to do more to end racism

Chaos or community? The choice is ours

Nuns on the Bus hits the virtual road ahead of US presidential election

Q & A with Christine Nava: 'Institutional and systemic racism overlap. It's not one size fits all'

Sisters produce a 2020 voting guide; 11 justice-and-peace groups urge reflection

Let no woman be left behind

Q & A with Sr. Sue Fazzini: 'We over-incarcerate people in our country'

Cometh the moment, cometh the women

'A woman of faith, action and energy': Sr. Mary Scullion of Project HOME

Q & A with Therese Stawowy: 'I want to keep feeling that discomfort with white privilege'

New Orleans and Seton Hill sisters' bond stays strong after 99 years

UISG helps create a unifying consciousness that can change the world

Befriending Phoebe, a co-worker in the kingdom

Network webinar offers a how-to in talking out political differences

Pope Francis encourages nun helping trans community in Argentina

Insecure and inadequate housing in Zacatecas

The unheard voices of introverts and women

This moment calls for a new consciousness: embracing diverse worldviews