Social Justice

Sister reps at UN call out global digital divide as source of inequalities

Sr. Dianna Ortiz, kidnapping survivor and advocate for torture victims, dies at 62

The struggle to find #justLOVE in times of hate

Sisters versus homelessness: a look back on a year of focus

Women religious sign on to bishops' statement supporting LGBTQ youth

Why aren't we talking about the farmers' protest in India?

'Who you become is more important'

Converting Burkina Faso on the rights and education of girls

Organizers fight trafficking amid Kentucky Derby

Catholic Health Association pledges to achieve equity, confront racism in care outcomes

What it's like to work in anti-racism and equity

The battle is far from over for justice, truth in America

Sisters work to heal families wounded by domestic violence, especially during COVID-19 lockdowns

Students show the courage, resilience needed for civic engagement

Eliminating violence against women begins in child upbringing

Foreign volunteers devote time, care to children in Vietnam

Does my protesting accomplish anything?

Transgender persons are the body of Christ too

The revolution that begins within

As new administration settles in, sisters have hope in Biden's character and Catholicism