Social Justice

In Congo we endure conflict, COVID-19 and confinement

The screech owl named for Sr. Dorothy Stang is a tribute 'symbolic of her life'

Laudato Si' and Fratelli Tutti call us to encounter the other

Comboni sister outside of Jerusalem talks about escalated violence

A year of embracing growth as a mixed, Korean American woman

The second wave: India fails miserably

As a chapter ends, it's a gift to be part of a larger story

The state mottoes celebrate by holding firm

Sisters say Biden's first 100 days are a good start overall, but not on immigration

Vatican's water initiative in health care facilities is an investment in life

How living simply and intentionally can help you live sustainably

Give what you can, take what you need: Catholic sisters join community food pantry effort in the Philippines

Monday Starter: Praising Chauvin's conviction, sisters call for wider reform

Inhale, exhale, transform

Innate human dignity means broken bread, not broken bodies

Religious sisters in Myanmar stand up to military junta

Serving those in the shadows, sisters follow in footsteps of women long gone

The troubles in the Tigray region of Ethiopia

Turning a gift of $20 into loaves-and-fishes on three wheels

When Catholic nuns took on the Klan in court and won