Social Justice

Making space for a come-to-Jesus moment

Salvatorian nuns build houses for war victims, widows in Sri Lanka

This Epiphany season, let us reclaim our soul

The blessings of celebrating Christmas in an Indigenous village in India

Q & A with Sr. Joan Brown, on the complexities of the shift to sustainability

India's farmers prevail in national protest, Catholic sisters rejoice

Monday Starter: Network lobby gears up for 50th anniversary celebrations

Standing with today's Josephs, who seek asylum to protect their families

Eviction for city development is inhuman, brutal

Heroic sister confronts violence in Myanmar

Brick by brick, tree by tree, Carmelite Missionary Sisters plant skills to limit Malawi’s deforestation

In Advent, and at Hanukkah, we look for light

Q & A with Sr. Cora Marie Billings on Black Catholicism and her life of 'firsts'

Holiday dishes up abundant views of gratitude, history and justice

Q & A with Sr. Dianne Fanguy, protecting the environment in Louisiana

Rooted in values, sisters' farms grow connections to neighbors, the earth and just model of food production

Working farms highlight sisters' 'just relationships with all Creation'

Travel outside our comfort zone opens our eyes that we might see

After COP26, sisters pledge continued activism as 'an act of care'

Black sisters group takes archbishop to task for comments on social justice