Social Justice

How do we live authentically amid broken systems that cause moral injury?

On International Women's Day, celebrate feminism as breath of fresh air

Your tears are my tears; your pain is my pain

God, don't let us unlearn being human

Prayers from India for the end of the war in Ukraine

I witnessed courage, resilience and resolve in Ukraine

Through the cross to the Resurrection: Experiencing a year of war in Ukraine

Nuns' social work schools form church workers for 'justice-based society' in India

Stop hatred: Save the Indian constitution

Professor digs into history of Mercy sister's boarding school for Native children

Black joy and 'The Embrace'

How do your market values and Gospel values compare?

USCCB official: The church must admit its role in destroying Native American culture

Sisters react with shock to the storming of Brazil's capital

Today, the flight into Egypt continues

Philippine congregation celebrates sister's acquittal in perjury case

Another Christmas without peace in Democratic Republic of Congo

Philippine court acquits religious sisters of perjury charges

Confront gun violence for the sake of our children, the Holy Innocents

An Advent transformation of heart and mind helps build global community