We are, it seems, not asking the right questions, argues Sr. Joan Chittister. Which means that we will therefore be without the answers we need to save the entire country.
Everyone who met Bishop Gumbleton left with an understanding that the world was his congregation and you were simply lucky to have found your way to the center of it.
Despite years of intermittent warfare between the Palestinians and Israel, we have hoped that simple decency, public morality, honest governments and personal conscience would sweep down, writes Joan Chittister.
These four positions will not only support our stellar journalism, but also help us grow in the digital media space with social media, videos and audio.
Nicole Bernardi-Reis speaks to GSR about the award-winning documentary she co-directed, "With This Light," which chronicles the extraordinary life of Honduran Sr. María Rosa Legoll of the School Sisters of St. Francis.
Life, the ancients knew, all depends on our willingness to collaborate, to do the things together that are important for us all. That's something we need to remember in this time of agitation and uncertainty.
The last time the church said it was going to make changes was in 1965, but all the changes to be seen were basically meaningless ones. This time, though, the faithful themselves are part of the agenda-making process.