Nameeta Renu

Nameeta Renu is a member of the Order of Consecrated Virgins in Bombay. She has studied the pastoral care of liminal migrants and refugees, and has a doctorate in theology on spiritual guidance and integral formation based on viriditas (greenness) in the spirituality of St. Hildegard of Bingen. She has published articles on consecrated life in various newsletters and theological journals. 

By this Author

Are we stuck in a Catch-22 about ordained ministry for laywomen?

The potential of women's consecrated life as a sacrament equal to holy orders

The ups and downs of praying with Christian friends from other churches and questions that arise

Women bishops: An alternative pathway to church leadership and ministry

The horizons of Christ's mission are our own horizons

Synodality calls us to inward and outward journey

Whether conservative or progressive, we can learn from these 2 women mystics

Parallels between Christmas and Holy Week narratives in the Bible

Struggling to make sense of silent prayer in a noisy cosmopolitan city

Paul's first letter to Corinthians and the debate on veiling women virgins

How does the female-to-male ratio in India impact consecrated life?

The bride of Christ motif has taken various forms and shapes

Will consecrated life in the future be like a cycle with square wheels?

Could consecrated virgins and religious institutes accompany each other?

Called to incarnate and then transcend the world or be separated from it?

Enlarge the tent by rethinking women's ordination

Where does Jesus want to meet us?

When the church is closed, is God sleeping?

Digital search for meaning links friends

Radical creativity could help renew consecrated life today