Social Justice

'Fratelli Tutti': Papal dreams or Vatican diversion?

Peace prize for World Food Program reflects wider humanitarian efforts

Sisters share spiritual foundation of activism with younger 'nones'

Q & A with Judith Baenen: 'Organize to change people's attitudes, not just laws'

Sisters registering as many people as they can to vote

Monuments matter

UN works to keep focus on homelessness, exacerbated by pandemic

Really Catholic: Speaking truth in a church that silences

Love and baseball

Q & A with Sr. Mary Grace Akiror, 'the sister you cannot bribe' in Uganda

'Taking a knee': a Catholic hermeneutic

Ardeth Platte, Dominican nun dedicated to no-nukes cause, dies at 84

With no school amid pandemic, Kenyan girls fall prey to pregnancy risks

Seven last words in 8 minutes 46 seconds: George Floyd

Q & A with Sr. Barbara Lum: 'We can't go on judging people by the color of their skin'

Dominican brings compassion, insight to her second pandemic as an MD

Democracy is collapsing, but let's imagine how the church could change that

Believe in good

The first virtual Nuns on the Bus tour begins, highlighting voting rights, poverty and pro-life policies

Taking on the hills with prayer: Cycling with Sisters 2020, check!