Social Justice

Get out of the boat

'Saintly warrior' sister fights for lowest of low castes in India

Sisters strengthen efforts amid coronavirus strain

Sisters of Selma: beginning 55 years of civil rights action

Another way of celebrating the Irish: affirming their social activism

It's the morning after a mass shooting: What do we do now?

Beijing + 25: The 1995 platform for women remains a promise-in-waiting

Coronavirus concerns prompt UN to suspend annual gathering on women

Demolition, family strife push boys to the streets of Nairobi

A journey with the homeless

I am part of the global majority

The black Catholic nun every American should know

Q & A with Sr. Bernardine Pemii, protecting children from abuse in Ghana

In a village of tents, refugees make a life as they wait on US asylum

Social justice lobby's roundtable tour reveals rural needs

Sisters working on homelessness hail resolution from UN meetings

Even if you've not been fed, be bread

How would you feel? Lessons in empathy from a 5-year-old

Every person killed, we remember them all

Q & A with Providence Sr. Susanne Hartung, serving Seattle and focused on people who are homeless