This story appears in the Abuse of sisters feature series. View the full series.

"Sexual abuse of nuns by clergy has long been a problem in Poland — and it's a very painful matter," Ursuline Sr. Jolanta Olech, secretary-general of the Warsaw-based Conference of Higher Superiors of Female Religious Orders, told Poland's Catholic Information Agency, KAI.

Sisters and other religious are bringing the issue of homelessness to the halls of the United Nations. They are among the 27 members of the NGO Working Group to End Homelessness. The group is pushing the U.N. to formally take up the growing problem as an emerging issue of focus and concern.

by Joyce Meyer

International Liaison, Global Sisters Report

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GSR Today - The gathering in Bangkok gave opportunity for female Asian theologians, including 31 sisters, to share with one another theological insights from their studies and to keep alive the vision of the Women of Wisdom and Action initiative.

This story appears in the Abuse of sisters feature series. View the full series.

Recent credible sexual abuse allegations in India and East Timor have underscored the fears of many in the church that clerical sex abuse is rife in South, Southeast and North Asia, which have a collective population of at least 120 million Catholics.