The man convicted of leading the killing Sr. Dorothy Stang was ordered Feb. 19 to be returned to prison by the First Panel of the Federal Supreme Court in Brazil. The decision to send Regivaldo Galvão back to jail also comes just weeks before a third hearing in the case of Fr. Jose Amaro Lopes, who had worked with Stang.

Carlos Tautz is a journalist based in Rio de Janeiro. He mostly writes about human rights, international issues and economy.

by Nicole Trahan


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Horzons - Blessed are they who mourn — or offer a shoulder to cry on. Because of my parents' age, going to funerals of grandparents, aunts, uncles and the occasional cousin was not uncommon in my young life. In a strange way, I looked forward to these times as a child, and I never knew this, but it was an unusual way to grow up.

This story appears in the Writing Workshops feature series. View the full series.

by Melanie Lidman

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Writing is an essential tool, the way sister theologians in Myanmar can share their thoughts and ideas with people around the world and ensure the diversity of theological thought. Here, six sisters who participated in the writing workshop share their stories.

George P. Matysek Jr.

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Catholic News Service

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If pastoral leaders want to be "prophetic disciples" who call others into a closer relationship with Christ, they must first experience Christ's presence in their own lives, Sr. Miriam James Heidland told more than 1,000 attendees of the Mid-Atlantic Congress Feb. 15 in Baltimore.