The Honduran environmental group COPINH is calling for protests and vigils at Honduran embassies and consulates on June 15, seeking an independent investigation of Berta Cáceres's murder and a "cancellation of the concession granted to DESA company, constructor of the Hydroelectric Project "Agua Zarca" in Rio Blanco, Honduras. In the United States, protests and vigils are planned at several embassies and consulates.

Women religious in the United States, Honduras and across the world have long worked to resolve issues of violence, environmental injustice and indigenous rights — themes all converging in the commemoration this week of a prominent Honduran environmental activist, Berta Cáceres, assassinated earlier this year in Honduras.

Maxine Kollasch


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Julie Vieira


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From A Nun's Life podcasts - We talk about the role snacks and hospitality play in the community life of sisters. Special note: Monday, June 13 marks A Nun's Life Ministry's 1,000th prayer podcast, livestreaming at 5 p.m. EDT and including a surprise announcement (the link to listen is in the story).

Global Sisters Report is covering the GIVEN leadership forum for younger Catholic women this week. Sister of Life Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, chair of Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, and Sister of Life Mary Gabriel Devlin, the event's committee chair, talk about the inspiration and goals for this five-day event at Catholic University of America (video).

Only two weeks into my summer vacation, I've hit a snag. The past few weeks, at the college where I minister, have been full of activity. Like a blur, finals, commencements, dinners, evaluations, graduations, service trips, goodbyes, and planning sessions for the year ahead have come and gone. And after months of going at breakneck speed, I paused to rest . . . and found I couldn't.

This story appears in the Apostolic Visitation feature series. View the full series.

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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The Vatican's congregation for religious life has summoned to Rome the superior of one of the major orders of U.S. Catholic sisters, asking her to "report on some areas of concern" following the controversial six-year investigation of the country's communities of women religious.

It is June and every year around this time my thoughts turn to my Dad, who died nine years ago on June 16, (Father's Day weekend) at age 87. What nudges my memory is the Feast of the Sacred Heart, held this year on June 3, but in 2007 it was celebrated on June 15, the eve of Dad's passing. (The feast follows the liturgical year and is always celebrated 19 days after Pentecost.)