Ilia Delio

Ilia Delio, a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Washington, D.C., is the Josephine C. Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology at Villanova University. She is the author of 16 books, including Making All Things New: Catholicity, Cosmology and Consciousness (Orbis Books 2015), and the general editor of the series Catholicity in an Evolving Universe.

By this Author

Listen and surrender to the presence of love

From Catholic to catholicity: Higher education in an age of emergence

Women and the church: A matter of evolution

The modern vision of Pope Francis in a medieval church

'Fratelli Tutti': Papal dreams or Vatican diversion?

God can emerge in new ways through Teilhard's 'troubled worship'

Way of posthuman life could revitalize religious communities

Religious life in a post-human age

Evolution is our fundamental reality

Theology needs radical revisioning

Religious life in the future

Is new life ahead in the church?

A world without gender

Time to become ultra-human?

Evolution and social justice, nature itself

What would Teilhard say? Evolve or be annihilated

Can a renewal of inner space help heal the Earth?

Discovering the true self in God with Merton's guidance

Can consumer people be Christmas people?

Quantum edge catholicity