by George Rodriguez


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Since November, Congregation of Missionary Servants of Christ the King Srs. Isabel Cortés and María Mercedes Calero have been helping migrants from Cuba and, increasingly, from Africa and Asia, who are getting stuck in Costa Rica without legal paperwork to advance northward toward the United States.

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

by Kerry DiNardo


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Notes from the Field - The last day of the 2015-2016 school year, June 17, was also the last day of my two years as a volunteer at Cristo Rey Boston High School. It came quicker than I thought possible. I spent the last couple of weeks completing the "lasts" of my volunteer duties at school.

"Jesus says to Peter, 'You are the rock.' Did he mean that instead of sitting high on a throne, he should be like a seagull chick, blending in with all the other rocks? Like Pope Francis says, the shepherd should have the smell of the sheep. Be the beautiful harmony of the rocks on the shore, each contributing to the whole, and supporting the others."