This story appears in the See for Yourself feature series. View the full series.

by Nancy Linenkugel


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See for Yourself - I couldn't even complain that it was a lecturer I'd never met. I couldn't hide behind the veil of unknowing. I couldn't even say that I had forgotten about the event. I planned it. I also knew the speaker personally and had enlisted him before.

This story appears in the Laudato Si' encyclical feature series. View the full series.

It is that time of year again. I gratefully and quietly pick the sour pie-cherries from our trees. There is much time for reflection as I join with the rhythmic plucking of these small rosy treasures watered by snow melt and water from the Rio Grande and nurtured by the New Mexico sun.

This story appears in the Apostolic Visitation feature series. View the full series.

Global Sisters Report has identified another of the 15 communities of U.S. Catholic sisters being asked to provide the Vatican with further clarification in the aftermath of a controversial investigation that concluded 18 months ago.