Marilyn Lacey, a member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, has worked with refugees and displaced persons since 1980. In her spiritual memoir, This Flowing Toward Me (Ave Maria Press, 2009), she recounts stories of meeting God in strangers.  She is the founder and director of Mercy Beyond Borders, and international nonprofit forging ways for women and girls in extreme poverty to learn, connect and lead. 


Amy Hereford is a Sister of St. Joseph of St. Louis, Missouri. As an author, theologian, and civil and canon lawyer, she consults with religious communities around the world, addressing technical concerns of religious institutes and exploring the evolving nature of religious life.

Mary Hanrahan is a member of the Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She taught disadvantaged teenage girls in inner city Dublin, Ireland, served in leadership on both the provincial and the congregational levels, and is now chaplain in an all-male prison for men convicted of violent crimes. 

Henrietta Eziashi is a Franciscan Sister of Glasgow, Scotland. After teaching and educational administration she was Provincial Superior in Nigeria, then a member of the central leadership team. Presently she does pastoral and provincial development work in Lagos, Nigeria. 

by Imelda Maurer


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Given the accomplishments of women religious in educating women, founding schools and creating a health care system, what if, now that we ourselves are largely older, sisters across the country started taking a serious look at aging, if we read and discussed and debunked the stereotypes of old age? We could help create a more age-equitable culture.

Sr. Kathleen Warren of the Sisters of St. Francis of Rochester, Minnesota, spoke to Global Sisters Report about the Catholic roots of interreligious dialogue, different kinds of dialogue, and why that dialogue is so important in the face of rising Islamophobia.

Judith Anne Zielinski is a Franciscan Sister of Sylvania Ohio. An award-winning television writer, producer and filmmaker, she worked for the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, for Family Theater Productions in Hollywood and now directs faith and values programming for NewGroup Media in South Bend, Indiana.

Sr. Mercy Shumbamhini is a member of the Congregation of Jesus in Zimbabwe. She is a registered professional clinical social worker, a theologian, spiritual director, safeguarding consultant, narrative therapist, researcher and writer with an extensive background in leadership, and project management. She served in leadership of her congregation for many years, as regional leader for her congregation in Zimbabwe for eight years, and is the former president of the Conference of Major Superiors in Zimbabwe.

Kathie Shea is a Medical Missionary of Mary. She ministered at her community's local, area and congregational levels in finance in the United States, Ireland and Africa. When she lived in Kenya, she traveled to visit their communities in Angola, Nigeria, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda and worked with the Association of Sisters of Kenya. Now in their mission development office in Chicago, she serves as the congregation’s business administrator for Brazil, Honduras and the United States. 

Marie Josee Seide is a member of the Daughters of Wisdom. Before entering, she worked in Haiti for USAID, the International Development Bank, and the National Olympic Committee. In community, she worked in administration at a school for exceptional children, and now directs parish social ministries in Amityville New York.