
Vatican statistics show decline in number of consecrated men, women

Pope pays tribute to women religious caring for the sick

US vocation conference study finds diversity growing, dedication to Gospel values strong

Passing the time in lockdown: Sisters sew face masks

Q & A with Sr. Marcia Kay LaCour, sharing the Gospel in contemplative life

'Saintly warrior' sister fights for lowest of low castes in India

Global group of women religious superiors calls for March 22 day of prayer

Sisters strengthen efforts amid coronavirus strain

'Our first work is prayer': the life of contemplative religious institutes

In the time of COVID-19, the cloistered life offers lessons for the world

Public associations of the faithful reflect an openness to God's call

Indian court rejects Bishop Mulakkal's plea to dismiss rape case

Care for retired religious takes special emphasis amid pandemic

Q & A with Sr. Helen Amos: 'To be homeless is a health issue'

Private associations of the faithful bring religious life to laity

Italian priests, religious women are among victims of COVID-19

Cycling With Sisters returns to share the social justice work of women religious

Churches, chaplains, nuns have unexpected role in COVID-19 crisis

New film documents tragedy of human trafficking by presenting 'Wells of Hope"

Q & A with Sr. Anastasia Gill, rushing in to assist victims of Delhi riots