
Religious freedom is a basic human right, says lawyer for Little Sisters

To Speak the Truth in Love: 'I included the ordination of women in my greeting. And I want it included'

Tensions arise in Canada around bishops' inquiry of Haitian group

Sisters' clinic extends lifeline to ethnic patients in central Vietnam

To Speak the Truth in Love: 'To me Theresa Kane was, and is to this day, a sign of hope'

Shareholder advocates alarmed that SEC proposal would limit their voice

Sr. Carmel McEnroy, author who captured women's role in Vatican II, dies

Mulakkal appears for trial in nun's rape, next hearing set for Jan. 6

Haiti's civil unrest reaches chaotic, disruptive point

Q & A with Sr. Lucianne Siers, training religious in formation and interculturality

Good Shepherd sister receives 16th annual Opus Prize for work in Congo

Preparation, details, prayer: Sisters are never alone at death

Amid Salvadoran gang violence, sisters strive to shepherd at-risk youth

Q & A with Sr. Susan Mika, pushing McDonald's to remove antibiotics from its beef

Ghana sister rescues disabled children viewed as bad omens in their villages

Sister signals concern about loss of shareholder power

Missionary says circus people are faith-filled, want presence of church

Indian court postpones trial of Bishop Mulakkal in nun's rape

In Lusaka and LA, sisters exchange ideas on improving ministries

Siblings born two minutes apart continue strong bond as religious sisters