Religious Life

Generation after generation of women religious have done great things

Throughout the world, Holy Week and Easter call us to serve the risen Christ

God wants me here: New insights into missionary life

Q & A with Sr. Maria Cimperman, collecting religious' feedback for the synod

Sisters of Life bring their call to love to new convent in the Catskills

Alongside Sisters of Charity, I slowed down and embraced the call to serve

Q & A with Sr. Ianire Angulo Ordorika on abuse of power in religious life

UISG's 2022 assembly to focus on vulnerability, synodality in four meetings

At nine years, Pope Francis channels the spirit of Catholic sisters

Webinar: Care for elderly and ailing sisters is a growing challenge

Nursing homes feel the squeeze as the COVID-19 pandemic enters its third year

Passing along the cultural heritage of a religious congregation

9th annual Catholic Sisters Week will celebrate work women religious do today

Through Child Help Line, sisters minister to India's discarded and endangered girls and boys

Q&A with Sr. Maria Nirmalini, new president of the conference of women and men religious in India

Sr. Thea Bowman is a prophetic witness, priest tells Catholic University event

Surprising novelty of the Spirit upends preconceptions of religious life

Raised in 'love for God and neighbor' in Romania's underground church

'We are afraid, but we are also strong': Stunned sisters worldwide watch as Russia invades Ukraine

This sister is a living advertisement for Benedictine balance