
Nun-dominated forum vows to correct ecological imbalances and climate change

ENTREVISTA | La Hna. Mónica Ichife y las bombas de agua potable en Malawi

Catholic officials blast $300B COP29 climate finance goal as too little

Catholic sisters at COP29 uplift unequal ways climate change impacts women

Make clean energy, not wars, faith activists tell world leaders at climate summit

As clock ticks, faith groups press COP29 to deliver ambitious climate finance target

Reeling from climate disasters, African nations await loss and damage fund

Catholics head to COP29 climate summit seeking new finance, end of fossil fuels

El Sínodo de la Amazonía resuena en la Iglesia católica cinco años después

Amazon synod reverberates through the Catholic Church five years later

Las hermanas usan WhatsApp para intercambiar consejos sobre agricultura sostenible

'Refugees in their own land': Kenyans experience homelessness due to severe floods

'Green nuns' model how to put into action Pope Francis' call to care for creation

Q&A with Sr. Monica Ichife on providing access to clean water in Malawi

Sisters of the Earth Community focuses on 'largest pro-life issue' — the Earth

Renewable energy boosts Catholic sisters' sustainability in Zimbabwe

Sisters take to WhatsApp to exchange advice in sustainable agriculture

A new story opens us to transformation in faith

Nuns help victims of landslides in India cope with emotional trauma

A different kind of season, full of surprises