
To make of our lives something beautiful

Q & A with Sr. Joan Brown, on the complexities of the shift to sustainability

Brick by brick, tree by tree, Carmelite Missionary Sisters plant skills to limit Malawi’s deforestation

Rooted in values, sisters' farms grow connections to neighbors, the earth and just model of food production

Working farms highlight sisters' 'just relationships with all Creation'

Workshops look at how sisters' investments can tackle climate change

Save the planet: Sister-related updates from COP26, the UN climate change conference

In the face of catastrophic climate change, sisters join call for a just transition

Medical Mission Sisters' Deepalaya farm is an oasis in Madhya Pradesh

Q & A with Sr. Mary Elizabeth Clark, writing mealtime prayers for 'ecological conversion'

Death of Fr. Swamy, tribal rights defender, motivates India's Catholic religious

The human right to migrate, and the right to stay

UISG webinar calls sisters 'to be in a prophetic role' in advocating for the Earth

The screech owl named for Sr. Dorothy Stang is a tribute 'symbolic of her life'

Sisters say Biden's first 100 days are a good start overall, but not on immigration

With spiritual motivation, sisters actively care for the Earth

Moving from a throwaway culture to nurturing and caring for God's gift

Congregations 'walk the talk' of Earth Day with ongoing care for creation

Burning down our common home

Missionary work, war, COVID-19 and climate change in Ethiopia