
An indigo morning among singing hills and simple stone at Nonnberg Abbey

After cyclone's destruction, Peruvians face dengue epidemic

With Franciscan sisters' $1.5 million gift, Network to take on climate lobbying

Citigroup shareholder support holds steady for Catholic sisters' resolution on climate, Indigenous rights

Catholic sisters press Citigroup to reexamine pipeline financing

Southern India's farming nuns promote eco-centric spirituality, organic farming

UN Water Conference shows global consensus on universal right to water

For Catholic Sisters Week, Green Bay Franciscans raise up their charism to care for creation

Indigenous groups, supporters resist planned dam in the Philippines' Sierra Madre

UNANIMA's sacred journey to COP27 on behalf of women and girls

Last-minute COP27 deal on loss and damage called 'a real breakthrough'

What religious and civil leaders in Africa expect from COP27

Clean water improves health in Vietnam's Mekong River Delta

Sisters support fisherpeople protesting new international seaport in India

Show me the honey: Maryland sisters find divine touch in beekeeping

Religious in Pakistan offer relief for victims still reeling from historic floods

Sharing the Gospel through honeybees and all of God's creation

Pakistan's record inflation burdens Charity sisters caring for older adults

Farm settlement honoring US-born nun created, then revoked in Amazon

As Catholics, what is our responsibility to address climate change?