Founded in 2004 after four years of discussion and planning, the Racine Dominicans' Eco-Justice Center is one of 50 such places created by religious orders around the country, by sisters who see the ecological crisis as the most critical issue of our time.
Catholic nuns as media persons are a rare sight in India. This was driven home to me recently. I was the only woman in a six-member crew of a Catholic television channel that went to cover a charismatic prayer meeting in a northern Indian town.
GSR Today - News reports indicate a nun and five postulants are among the dead in Ecuador after a devastating earthquake Saturday night (April 16).
"Hope does not exist in a moment; we must create hope. Hope is a gift, a grace, and when we receive a gift, it is not for us; it is for our neighbor. To welcome the grace of hope is to create resources in history."
Last summer, I sat in a small circle of with other sisters my age at the Giving Voice conference. We were praying in silence, integrating the question our speakers had invited us to consider: What sort of borders do we desire to cross? In the quiet, I recalled a fear that had surfaced earlier.
Simply Spirit - Unlike previous post-synod exhortations, Amoris Laetitia is not an afterthought, but it fails to incorporate the experiences LGBT Catholics who also live deeply loving, holy and committed family lives.
"Peace is God's gift to us, given in Christ, a gift we experience and enjoy now, though not in its completeness."
See for Yourself - "What did you do over the Christmas break?" The question came from a colleague sitting next to me as we made pre-meeting small talk. "Christmas break? You mean Christmas break several months ago?"
People who have fled from wars in Iraq and Syria are among the 1 million refugees who live in camps or other provisional-seeming housing in Jordan. On the surface, life has its daily rhythms that are free from the catastrophes of war; however, they have moved from one difficult situation to another.
Petra Dankova is a passionate advocate for refugees at a time when the world has its highest number of displaced people since the end of World War II. According to the United Nations refugee agency, the number of refugees surpassed 60 million in 2015. Dankova recently completed a period of discernment with the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer and decided to return to Europe to do more refugee work.