This story appears in the Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy feature series. View the full series.

by Brian Roewe

NCR environment correspondent

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Thirty Catholic organizations and institutes, including three women religious orders, filed a joint amicus brief with other faith groups in support of the Clean Power Plan, the basis of the U.S. commitment to an international pact to address climate change.

This week, Global Sisters Report has focused on the prison system in the U.S. and the issues. Today, we republish Part 1 of the series, which focuses on mass incarceration and the racism behind it. The package of stories, photos and graphics includes links to the three other parts, which focus on sisters who minister to inmates, help with release programs and advocate for change. 

"They can call it whatever they want, but it's a jail. There's no reason to be locked up. What bothers me most is that this is being done under the private prisons, so they are making money on the backs of these poor moms and kids, which is just wrong."

Related: Read our roundtable discussion with sisters working in immigration ministry