Sr. Libby Osgood, P.Eng., Ph.D., is a religious sister with the Congregation of Notre Dame de Montreal. She worked as an aerospace engineer with Orbital Sciences on a few NASA satellites. She is now an associate professor of sustainable design engineering at the University of Prince Edward Island in Canada. Her research focuses on engineering pedagogy, sustainability, and faith and science, and she co-edited a Book of Hours which collects the writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin into prayers. 

Nancy Cristina Mancera Silva, misionera consagrada colombiana de la Fraternidad Misionera Verbum Dei, cursó estudios teológicos en el Instituto Teológico Verbum Dei de Guadalajara, México, y obtuvo una licenciatura en Teología Dogmática de la Universidad Gregoriana en Roma. Ha desempeñado una labor apostólica en México, Colombia, Bélgica, Italia y Guatemala, trabajando con diversas poblaciones, desde niños hasta adultos. Además, ha desarrollado a nivel diocesano programas de radio que apoyan la formación de grupos apostólicos y ha impartido retiros para adolescentes y universitarios.

Michael Gonsalves, based in the city of Pune, Maharashtra state, India, has over 30 years of experience working for mainstream national newspapers, and working as an editor and teaching journalism. With a doctorate in journalism, Gonsalves is now an independent freelance journalist and writes about business, religion and society.