Catalina Cepparro is a journalist based in Buenos Aires, Argentina with an interest in environmental issues and languages. She has lived in Portugal, Indonesia and the United States, and back in Argentina she took several environmental courses and was part of a social impact entrepreneurship with the Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA).


Nadieska Almeida Miguel, pertenece  a la congregación Hijas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paul.Es cubana y reside en su país, su ministerio de servicio a los más necesitados lo ha ejercido en diferentes lugares dentro de la isla. Actualmente es formadora, sus escritos nacen de una profunda  experiencia  espiritual y un serio acompañamiento  a su pueblo con el que intenta hacer camino en lo cotidiano.

Kathleen (Kay) Fernholz, a School Sister of Notre Dame, grew up on the farm that is also the site of her current ministry. She has been a classroom teacher and a pastoral administrator in the Diocese of New Ulm, Minnesota. Currently, both she and her School Sister of Notre Dame sister, Annette, minister at Earthrise Farm where radical hospitality, Earth spirituality education, and witness bring joy into their community lifestyle.