Mariana Olivo Espinoza es una hermana Benedictina del  Monasterio Pan de Vida en Torreón, Coahuila. México, en cuya diócesis anima y da clases a diferentes grupos de mujeres. Licenciada en Derecho y máster en Teología Latinoamericana, actualmente es maestra universitaria y acompaña pastoralmente a los Grupos de Familiares con Desaparecidos, así como a mujeres que han sufrido el feminicidio de alguna de sus hijas, en la ciudad de Torreón. 

Sr. Emer Manning was born in 1947 in Bandon, County Cork, Ireland, where she joined the Presentation Sisters at 18. In 1978, she was missioned to Pakistan, where she taught in the Punjab and later worked with the Kutchi Kohli People in Sindh. Since then, she has been primarily based in Pakistan, engaged in diverse pastoral, social and educational ministries. She frequently visits villages and considers it a privilege to be welcomed into the lives of the people she serves.

Kathleen Feeley, a School Sister of Notre Dame, served as president of  College of Notre Dame of Maryland (now Notre Dame of Maryland University) 1971-92. She has taught college, high school and elementary students. After her college presidency, she taught literature in India, Australia, China, Japan and Ghana. 

Feeley has a master's degree in English from Villanova University and a doctorate from Rutgers University. She now teaches at Notre Dame of Maryland's Renaissance Institute, which serves lifelong learners over age 50.