Florence Anyabuonwu, a Sister of St. Joseph of Orange, California, is currently pursuing a master's degree at the Franciscan School of Theology, University of San Diego. In addition to her studies, she facilitates two support groups and serves as a social worker in the palliative care unit at St. Jude's Hospital Fullerton. Sister Florence is passionate about writing and she finds great joy in reflecting on life's experiences and expressing her thoughts through writing.

Bernadette Healey was born in Galway, Ireland, the eldest among three brothers and one sister. After completing secondary school, she pursued training as a primary school teacher. During her teacher training, she felt a clear call to religious life, inspired by Nano Nagle's profound dedication to the poor. Following two years of formation, she returned to teaching in Huddersfield and Birmingham, where she worked among diverse cultures, including African Caribbean, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, African and Vietnamese families.

Magdalena, a Missionary Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is Chinese of Mongolian descent. She ministers in Outer Mongolia, where she is director of the Rainbow Center in Ulaanbaatar, which works with children and youth with disabilities. 


César Luis Caro Puértolas, nacido en Mérida, España, en 1970, es un sacerdote y misionero dedicado al servicio religioso y social. Formado en la tradición salesiana, es licenciado en Química y en Antropología Social y Cultural, así como especialista universitario en Ejercicios Espirituales Ignacianos. Actualmente, reside en la sede administrativa de Punchana-Iquitos, Perú, dedicando su vida al servicio de Dios y de las comunidades que atiende en la Amazonía. Escribe un blog y colabora como corresponsal del medio Religión Digital.