by Julian S. Das


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School Sisters of Notre Dame manage a preschool has transformed the lives of villagers in Bandipur, Nepal. The Seto Gurans Child Development Center helps marginalized children succeed at the critical nursery school level, enabling them to prosper when they begin formal education. The preschool involves parents in daily classroom activity, and has helped bridge class separation within the village.

by Bernadine Karge


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On May 11, 2018, more than 200 people from around the country gathered at St. Bridget for a prayer service and rally. No longer alone, we have learned anew the value of community in fighting the attacks on our immigrant sisters and brothers. However, we admit to still being confused and afraid of what might happen next in this anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, "throw them all out" climate of 2018. Send us your Spirit, O God!

Philippe Vaillancourt

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Catholic News Service

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St. Marie of the Incarnation, a French Ursuline nun sent to establish the order in New France in the 17th century, has not yet delivered all her secrets. Beginning this fall, the must-see figure in Quebec will be the subject of a forensic investigation with scientific and theological implications.

by Lilian Muendo


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Younger generations are leaving villages for city work or professional development abroad. Their elderly relatives are increasingly being left behind in their rural homes. St. Mary's Village, a home for abandoned elderly and incapacitated women, takes on the most vulnerable of these cases.