Postville, Iowa - On May 12, 2008, local police and federal immigration agents arrested 400 people at a meat-processing plant — a raid that disrupted hundreds of lives and changed this Iowa town. Ten years later, more than 300 people gathered at St. Bridget Church to mark the anniversary of the raid and to dedicate themselves to enacting change so similar raids do not happen again.

During a hike, I climbed a fire tower. At the top, wind and fear knocked me over, leaving me clinging for dear life to the rail at the center of the winding stairs. Such a place of utter dependence is one I avoid at all costs. My struggle with mental illness since my early 20s has brought me unwillingly to this place.

by Joachim Pham


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Kon Tum City, Vietnam - The Filles de la Médaille Miraculeuse congregation, which recently celebrated its 70th anniversary, has 153 sisters from eight indigenous groups who work in 32 communities in the provinces of Kon Tum and Gia Lai. Three ya, a Bana ethnic word meaning "sister," shared with Global Sisters Report their stories about their vocations, work and the choice to live with the order.

As the Sisters of Mercy appeal the Nebraska Medicaid program's denial of coverage to 21 sisters, their predicament has national implications. Women's and men's congregations already face a growing shortfall between retirement assets and the amount needed to care for aging religious.