For Pentecost, I gathered with 35 other Sisters of St. Joseph from across North America, all of us ranging from candidates and novices through 10 years as fully professed sisters, a gathering intended to remind us that each of us is working at this life and, though separated by distance or living situations, we are living this reality together.

Elizabeth Roberts is a freelance writer in South Florida who worked for the South Florida Sun-Sentinel for 14 years. She has spent 30 years reporting and writing South Florida stories for publications both local and national, including Newsweek, Money magazine and The Wall Street Journal.

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

Notes from the Field - This date is ingrained in the fabric of Haitian culture. May 18 is a national holiday, and those who feel they belong to the nation of Haiti, whether or not they live within the borders of the country, will celebrate their national roots in the world's first black republic.

Sr. Patricia McCarthy is a member of the Congregation of Notre Dame. For 25 years, she educated the poor, in particular abused children. She taught peace and nonviolence for 17 years in courses, workshops and retreats — in schools, parishes, religious communities and seminaries in nine countries. As an award-winning columnist for the diocesan paper in Providence, Rhode Island, she has published numerous articles and five books. She served a total of 12 years as associate provincial and then as provincial superior for the United States province.