"Women in their struggles know what it means not to be included. Out of that awareness, we must include everyone for a flourishing of life." Global Sisters Report speaks to a number of Catholic sisters with experience at the United Nations about the values women would bring to the formation of foreign policy.

A new report finds that human traffickers who prey on guest workers in the US are relying heavily on gaps in accountability within the temporary work visa system. Based on national hotline data from 2015 to 2017, 797 individuals are believed to be victims.

Sr. Annamarie Marcalus is a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Clinton, Iowa. A native of New Jersey, she entered the Iowa community in 1959, and completed a graduate degree in recreation therapy from the University of Iowa. She is a retired teacher who continues to employ her love for teaching in tutoring students from the University of Iowa and at the Catholic Worker House in Iowa City (where she also cooks meals). She enjoys photojournalism, has published in the religious and secular press, and wrote a play which was produced and played on 42nd Street in New York City.

by Ma. Ceres P. Doyo


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Sr. Elenita Belardo, a the Religious of the Good Shepherd, is the current coordinator of the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines, a broad alliance of lay and religious missionaries who journey in solidarity with peasants from northern, central and southern Philippine provinces in their quest for land justice and freedom.

by Kathryn James Hermes


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I sometimes check an app where people are encouraged to leave their secrets, things they wouldn't tell others. After many months of listening to people's stories in this hidden way, I can say that the driving force that is at the root of all their stories and my own, is the longing to be loved, known, seen, heard, cared for.