Horizons - My heart's interest was piqued by the description of the time of Diwali as a celebration of light overcoming darkness, good triumphing over evil, and knowledge usurping ignorance. And now as this new year begins, I can't help but again envision that darkness and light, forces tenderly and tenuously balanced at this time of year: a darkness never dark enough to overtake the light, but also a light that is beyond our knowing.

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

by Sarabella Muise


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My past spiritual experiences lacked an intentional connection with God. I was not ready for that relationship then. But now, as a Good Shepherd Volunteer, building a relationship with God feels more and more appealing.  

Yitzchok Adlerstein

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Rose Pacatte

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From National Catholic Reporter: Amid today's hostility and incivility, reflect on the sanctity of words. They are the way that we invite others in, to give them some understanding of who we are. If our souls are holy, then so too are words.

Contemplate This - I offer this meditation adapted from this Franciscan expression of the Beatitudes written by Capuchin Br. John Francis Samsa, "The Beatitudes of Christ: Embrace the Challenge." I encourage you to take some time as the old year ends and reflect on these lives as well as others for whom you are grateful. Reflect on those people or situations that gratuitously offer you hope and whose lives made our world a better place.

This story appears in the The Life feature series. View the full series.

The Life - Sister panelists talk about how they and their communities are responding to Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate. In the document, they recognize a call to personal holiness, finding God in practical ways in everyday life, and its emphasis on the Beatitudes as an "identity card" for Christians.