Horizons - It's impossible to overemphasize the centrality of love in our beautiful tradition. The mystery of love is inexhaustible, present at the beginning when God brought forth all that is, singing in Jesus' incarnation, life, death and resurrection, pulsing through each of us as Spirit, and drawing us to a future where peace and justice will reign forever. This Christmas, I was reminded again what it's really all about: Love.

This story appears in the Sustainable Development Goals Overview feature series. View the full series.

GSR Today - To better put the year into perspective, I asked a number of sisters their thoughts on 2018. Was it a good year? A bad year? Hopeful? A slog? And what may 2019 bring?

The proclivity to overlook black women and girls doesn't begin with their deaths at the hands of law enforcement. Data suggests institutions like hospitals and schools have routinely disregarded the needs of black women and black girls for years. And that's exactly where some sisters in the Baltimore area have seen an opportunity for change.

by Jeannine Gramick


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Friendship is like a stunning landscape where one enjoys every tree and pebble and bush and flower. Walking the roads of life in this kind of landscape is delightful, even enchanting. With loving friends, the human need for belonging is satisfied. Friends steady us, helping us to be ready and secure in decision-making, and calm and adept in follow-through.

by Melanie Lidman

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The Worleys of Tennessee adopted their daughter Teagan at the age of 5 in March. Wanting to know more about her early years, they came across a Global Sisters Report article about nuns in China who care for orphans with disabilities — and found some of the answers they were looking for.