Chris Herlinger

Chris Herlinger is international correspondent to Global Sisters Report and also writes on humanitarian and international issues for NCR. He has reported from South Sudan and Darfur, Sudan, as well as numerous other locales, including Haiti, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Kenya and Ethiopia and Liberia. He is the co-author, with Paul Jeffrey, of books on Haiti and Darfur, published by Seabury, and a third, on global hunger, published in 2015.

By this Author

Amid Salvadoran gang violence, sisters strive to shepherd at-risk youth

Hilton humanitarian symposium affirms dignity, primacy of migrants and refugees

El Salvador sisters see hope, work for change in a still-violent society

Q & A with Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, creating educational opportunities for sisters in Africa

Nuclear weapons are not being eliminated any time soon

Create sustainable cities, say sisters with UN civil society group

Maryknoll Mission Institute at 50 years: 'We are alive and well to the world'

Survey tracks inequality, amid UN effort to end poverty by 2030

Longtime president of Mercy Housing, Sr. Lillian Murphy, 78, dies

Events for day against trafficking focus on need for governments to act

Advocates work to stop human trafficking's causes like poverty, exploitation of human rights

Tragedy, caution and hope as South Sudan marks eight years of independence

Q & A with Sr. Hellen Lamunu, who believes in post-traumatic forgiveness

New book says prevailing national interests and need for reform hinder United Nations

Congregations push UN to confront homelessness

International Union of Superiors General advocates for women, sees influence grow

Women and Earth are 'on receiving end of patriarchy' when it comes to profit

Sisters at UN meeting on women emphasize human rights, local action

Catholic groups decry Trump's proposed cuts to foreign aid

Women in theology share trials and triumphs at panel event