Chris Herlinger

Chris Herlinger is international correspondent to Global Sisters Report and also writes on humanitarian and international issues for NCR. He has reported from South Sudan and Darfur, Sudan, as well as numerous other locales, including Haiti, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Kenya and Ethiopia and Liberia. He is the co-author, with Paul Jeffrey, of books on Haiti and Darfur, published by Seabury, and a third, on global hunger, published in 2015.

By this Author

Monday Starter: Loreto Sister honored by US State Department for anti-trafficking work participates in panel

Inequities in world's food system have only worsened during pandemic

Monday Starter: Bon Secours sisters join 'critical mass' supporting Laudato Si' Action Platform

Outraged at mistreatment of Haitians, sisters take Biden administration to task

9/11 anniversary stirs memories of New York and Afghanistan

Haiti's earthquake adds yet another challenge for the country and its women religious

Sisters scramble to respond to delta variant amid longstanding local and global problems

Leviticus Fund leverages 'faith capital' for poverty-fighting projects

Monday Starter: Catholic Health Association urges all health care workers to get vaccinated

Monday Starter: Simon & Schuster publishes book on spirituality by Daughters of St. Paul

Monday Starter: UISG webinar poses questions about kindness and care

Monday Starter: Advocacy group says death penalty decision is only a first step

Assassination of Haitian president could put nation into further turmoil, sisters say

South Sudan marks 10 years of independence overshadowed by violence

UISG webinar calls sisters 'to be in a prophetic role' in advocating for the Earth

UISG webinar on education: 'We're shaping the future of the planet together'

Ethical quandary looms on eve of US military withdrawal from Afghanistan

Comboni sister outside of Jerusalem talks about escalated violence

Sisters say Biden's first 100 days are a good start overall, but not on immigration

Local trust in sisters can boost vaccination efforts, UISG webinar notes