
High notes and low note from a church organist

Everyday annunciations: The art of listening to a God who never shuts up

The call of a simple Lent: Unclutter your spiritual house

Lent: A season to transform in love and fraternity

God wants me here: New insights into missionary life

Lenten lamentation: Help us imagine new possibilities for world peace

Think about who packed your parachutes. They're watching out for you.

St. Joseph and his father's heart give us a model of the hidden life

Dominican sisters help poor patients in Vietnam

Accompanying Indian women on the journey from learned helplessness

Pay attention to blessings, moment by moment

An American living in Ireland learns pinches extend beyond St. Patrick's Day

From Ukraine: The first day of 'not our war'

Medical Mission Sisters in India create center for quiet and healing amid the wonder of God's creation

A personal reflection on synodal listening session

Let's synchronize our hearts for inner and world peace

Passing along the cultural heritage of a religious congregation

Through Child Help Line, sisters minister to India's discarded and endangered girls and boys

Gloom and doom and a line from a homily I can't avoid

Pahchana kya? Do you recognize me?