
A pencil in God's hand

Our 'open house' ministry with Indigenous people of Australia

Doing nothing is not an option

Stories around the table: 'The Help' is a celluloid parable

Troubles of Kenyan fathers illuminate a new parable of the prodigal son

Resist weariness, fan passion, offer hope to younger generations

Darkness may endure but grace gets us through

Synodality gives voice to people on the periphery

Kiran Niketan, our social center committed to uplift women

Jesus is feminist

How are the gifts of the Holy Spirit at work in me amid today's divisiveness?

Despite the pain and brokenness of COVID, Pentecost offers hope

More than hope: Spiritual gifts for troubling times

Reclaiming the Holy Spirit and renewing the face of the Earth

Scripture shows how the early church was a feminist movement

My lifelong journey to adventure

In May, Vietnamese parishes offer flowers to Our Lady

In the footsteps of the Ukrainian people's Way of the Cross

Sisters collaborate with Jesuit Refugee Service to ignite hope in displaced people

Words are not enough to create gender equity in church